Welcome to iHeartRadio

All Your Favorite Music. All Your Favorite Stations. All Free.

Listen to music you love. Stream unlimited music, thousands of radio stations and podcasts all in one app. iHeartRadio is easy to use and best of all, it's still FREE.

The Best Live, Local Radio Stations

  • Tune in to thousands of live and local AM and FM radio stations near you and from cities across the globe.
  • Our radio app allows you to listen to top radio stations: breaking news, sports, music, comedy and talk radio shows.
  • Discover sports radio stations like ESPN Radio, Fox Sports Radio, FNTSY Sports Radio, and more.
  • Hear top sports personalities discuss the latest news around the NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL, NCAA, Soccer, Golf, and Tennis.

The iHeartRadio Podcasts

  • Our podcast app features popular podcasts from NPR, Gimlet, How Stuff Works, ESPN Podcasts, Big Money Players Network, TED, Wondery.
  • Stream podcasts from popular personalities like The Ron Burgundy Podcast, Anna Faris Is Unqualified Podcast, The Herd with Colin Cowherd Podcast, Ben Shapiro Podcast, Bobby Bones Podcast, Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard, Chelsea Handler Podcast, and more.
  • Follow your favorite podcasts and download episodes to your iOS or Android phone to listen offline.
  • iHeartRadio Top 100 Chart refreshes every Monday. Explore trending shows on our Podcast App charts.

iHeartRadio Music Playlists

  • Listen to any of thousands of hand-curated playlists on our music app. Organized by mood, activity, decade and genre to make it easy to find something that's the perfect soundtrack for any moment.
  • Enjoy 'Your Weekly Mixtape' - refreshed every Monday! We've curated the playlist based on the music you love and you're listening to.

Free Artist Stations

  • Create personalized music stations based on your favorite artists using our library of millions of songs covering genres like Country, Top 40, Pop, Hip Hop, EDM, Rock, R&B, Alternative, Classical, Indie, Folk, Gospel, Christian, Dance, and more.
  • 'Favorites Radio' collects all of the songs you love in one free personalized station that you can play any time.

Premium Features

Take control of your listening experience with iHeartRadio Plus™ and iHeartRadio All Access™ and listen absolutely ads free.

  • Search and play any song, album and playlist with our library of millions of songs on demand
  • Save and replay any song with our music app from the radio
  • Download music to your iOS or Android Phone or Tablet to listen offline.

Available Everywhere

We're available online, on mobile and tablets, in your car, and on connected devices including TVs and gaming consoles.

Join Our Community


iHeartMedia offers advertisers national opportunities through its unparalleled range of media assets including on-air, online and live events. It creates comprehensive, innovative campaigns for some of the country's largest companies. The ability to connect and activate consumers locally and on a national scale makes iHeartMedia the leading media company in America.


iHeartMedia and all of its more than 860 broadcast radio stations are dedicated to inspiring and creating positive change that improves the lives of others. The company's community programs are built on the idea that through public awareness and education we can drive attention and action that directly addresses today's most pressing issues. In 2017, iHeart supported thousands of local and nonprofit organizations nationwide and raised hundreds of millions of dollars for critical issues both in the United States and globally.

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